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Borghoul bi Banadoura

Prep Time:

Cook Time:



About the Recipe


  1. EVOO

  2. 2 onions diced

  3. 5 cloves garlic, minced

  4. Chopped cabbage

  5. Boiled chickpeas

  6. 2 cups coarse bulgur (I mix dark and brown)

  7. Tomatoes

  8. salt,

  9.  cinnamon

  10. pepper to taste

  11.  Ginger and turmeric


  1. Start with EVOO

  2. Add the onions and saute for few minutes, or until the onions begin to brown.

  3. Then add the garlic, spices

  4. Add the cabbage and stir for few minutes

  5. Add the borghoul, stir for few minutes

  6. Add the tomato and water (Add 4 cups of water or less for firmer borghoul)

  7. And of course don’t forget to grate fresh ginger & turmeric.

Try with Emm Daniel’s SAUERKRAUT 😋 or any other savory dip.

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